Texas Lege Tracker
On this page, we’ll be keeping a list of bills we’re monitoring throughout the 89th Texas Legislative Session from January to May 2025. You can find general information on each bill and the Dallas Housing Coalition’s analysis of each bill below. Click on a bill to be taken to the Texas Legislature Online’s webpage.
How to navigate the legislative process:
Note: These are external links. We are sharing these for informational purposes about the legislative process only. The Dallas Housing Coalition does not endorse any information or positions that may be found on these pages.
Texas Legislature Online (TLO) – Official source of up-to-date information on bills, hearings, and other aspects of the legislative process
How to navigate TLO (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4), by Representative Gina Hinojosa
Who represents me?, Texas Legislature Online – How to identify your elected officials
Legislative process
Short version (visualization), the Texas Politics Project, University of Texas
Long version (document), Texas Legislative Council
Narrative version (FAQ), Texas Tribune
Important dates, Texas Legislative Council
Check back often throughout session for updates and new resources. Please address any inquiries to Bryan Tony, Executive Director, at bryan@dallashousingcoalition.com.
89th Texas Legislative Session
In Support
Hughes - Legalize ADUs statewide
Bucy - Extend notice to vacate to 14 days
Walle - DRTx tenant readiness and landlord incentive pilot program
Vasut - Prevent cities from prohibiting ADUs on SF or duplex lots
Metcalf - Extend cap on property taxes to commercial
Barry - Extend cap on property tax to commercial
Swanson - Give State Representatives veto power to stop approved LIHTC projects from being built in their districts
Tepper - Prevent “adopt or enforce” ordinance or zoning variance to allow more than one dwelling on a lot
Toth - Require cities to grant/deny building permits within 30 days or provide applicant with timeline for approval
Gates - Housing Finance Corporation reform
Vasut - Eliminate property taxes and require a study of alternative methods of taxation
Bell, Keith - Dedicate part of budget surplus to tax relief
Toth - Building permit application turnaround
Jones, Venton - Eviction sealing when tenant wins case
Collier - Allow tenants an opportunity to cure
Collier - Allow tenants an opportunity to cure
Sen. Royce West - Workforce housing revolving loan fund for single-family, affordable housing
Sen. Royce West - Expedited permitting for LIHTC in larger cities
Johnson - N. Johnson mezzanine fund
Sen. Royce West - Requires cities to publicly announce city-owned land available for workforce housing development
Sen. Royce West - Amending the Uniform Partition of Heirs’ Property Act
Bernal - Exempt LIHTC projects from residents and force a supermajority to approve zoning change
Rosenthal - Repeal income discrimination ordinances
Eckhardt - DRTx tenant readiness and landlord incentive pilot program
Cain - Dedicate part of budget surplus to tax relief through reducing school M&O taxes
Meza - Require TAMU to maintain a list of corporate-owned SF properties
Morales, Christina - Require all LIHTC projects to be within two miles of a grocery store
Bucy- Legalize ADUs statewide