Contact Your City Councilmember
Dallas is becoming unaffordable. The median income in Dallas is $58,200, and the average home price is $405,000. Access to housing is the greatest reason people move, and where people move, companies move. That’s not good for Dallas. Cities that fail to offer affordable housing solutions will ultimately drive out residents leading to a shortage in the workforce, an increase in negative health outcomes for our residents, and inevitably, discourage growth in our local economies.
Dallas needs more housing options and access throughout the city. ForwardDallas is our current policy priority and could be adopted by City Council as soon as September 25. The plan will allow for more housing density in areas where it makes the most sense while also preserving our existing neighborhoods. Let the City of Dallas’ government know you support the comprehensive land use plan ForwardDallas in its entirety.
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Contact Information
Don’t know which Council district you live in? Click here to find out. Alternatively, you can click here to email the Mayor and all of the Councilmembers at one time.
District 1
Councilman Chad West
Councilman’s Staff
District 2
Councilman Jesse Moreno
Councilman’s Staff
District 3
Councilman Zarin Gracey
Councilman’s Staff
District 4
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Carolyn King Arnold
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem's Staff
District 5
Councilman Jaime Resendez
Councilman’s Staff
District 6
Councilman Omar Narvaez
Councilman’s Staff
District 7
Councilman Adam Bazaldua
Councilman’s Staff
District 8
Mayor Pro Tem Tennell Atkins
Mayor Pro Tem's Staff
District 9
Councilwoman Paula Blackmon
Councilwoman’s Staff
District 10
Councilwoman Kathy Stewart
Councilwoman’s Staff
District 11
Councilwoman Jaynie Schultz
Councilwoman’s Staff
District 12
Councilwoman Cara Mendelsohn
Councilwoman’s Staff
District 13
Councilwoman Gay D. Willis
Councilwoman’s Staff
District 14
Councilman Paul Ridley
Councilman’s Staff