Our Values & Priorities

The Dallas Housing Coalition (DHC) is a grassroots, volunteer-powered group of more than 245 non- and for-profit organizations and individuals committed to advocating for the creation and preservation of attainable housing in the city of Dallas for all. Our coalition consists of housing developers, policy experts, and other organizations who are all united in our cause. We serve and advocate on behalf of the housing needs of Dallas’ diverse populations, including youth, teens, seniors, longtime residents, persons with disabilities, people without housing, veterans, working professionals, and growing families.

The Dallas Housing Coalition began organizing internally in 2022, formally launched in June 2023, and received its 501(c)(3) letter of determination from the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) in the fall with an effective date of September 18, 2023.

The city of Dallas is currently facing a shortage of attainable homes and units, and this shortage is only expected to worsen as the city continues to grow. With a lower homeownership rate than the rest of the state and 52% of renters considered housing cost-burdened, it is clear the Dallas Housing Coalition’s sustained advocacy is critical to addressing this issue.

By uniting together, we are able to demonstrate our support for this cause and show our representatives that this issue needs to be addressed. We are committed to increasing the public's consciousness regarding housing affordability and advocating for a unified platform. Based upon a survey of our members, input at regularly occurring membership meetings, and oversight by our Steering Committee, the Dallas Housing Coalition’s work and what specific policies, plans, and initiatives the coalition decides to weigh in on are guided by the below:

Through our work, DHC has gained a deep understanding of the barriers that low-moderate income populations in Dallas face when it comes to accessing housing. We are intimately aware of the challenges that these communities encounter on a daily basis, and work tirelessly to serve and advocate for their housing needs. We have seen firsthand the positive impact that adequate housing can have on individuals and families. It not only provides a stable and secure place to live, but it also helps to promote health, education, and economic stability.

Our core values are equity, attainability, accessibility, sustainability, and community education and engagement.

Our vision is a Dallas where every individual, family, and household can live in a quality home that meets their needs and supports their well-being.

We recognize that change is not easy, but are willing to put in the hard work and dedication necessary to create a brighter future for all members of the community. By working together and advocating for the needs of those who are most vulnerable, the Dallas Housing Coalition is making a real difference in the lives of countless individuals and families across Dallas.

The Dallas Housing Coalition is proud to be part of the solution to the housing crisis in our community. We believe that by working together and leveraging our collective expertise, we can create a brighter future for all members of the Dallas community. We are committed to advocating for policies and initiatives that support stable, quality housing, and we will continue to work tirelessly until everyone in our community has access to a safe and secure place to call home.

Thank you to our annual funders.

Your contributions help cover the costs of our organization, including communications, community organizing, and education efforts. Contributions are tax-deductible as provided by law. For more information regarding sponsorship opportunities, click here.